*MANY PEOPLE KEEP DISTURBING US ABOUT THE ISSUE OF MERCHANTS.* This was what UDI said at the close of last meeting and I quote: "As regards merchants, there will be a massive upgrade soon due to the international integration we are pursuing and that will push merchants and something's to next year February or thereabout. There will also be a new Bank Card which can automatically deduct Pinkoin from your wallets while you get cash back, meaning the integration will have the capacity of exchanging Pinkoin to other currencies of the world, , in such that your monthly allowance can be withdrawn at once from any bank in Nigeria or Abroad. You all need to know that, in your Pinkoin wallets, there is a tool called DRCB for those who are activated for August payment. In DRCB, every Pinkoin sent there automatically becomes X 3, that's incase you don't know. For November Babies, your DRCB will be active on November 12 and your expected allowances will drop from that day onwar...