This was what UDI said at the close of last meeting and I quote: 

"As regards merchants, there will be a massive upgrade soon due to the international integration we are pursuing and that will push merchants and something's to next year February or thereabout.

There will also be a new Bank Card which can automatically deduct Pinkoin from your wallets while you get cash back, meaning the integration will have the capacity of exchanging Pinkoin to other currencies of the world, , in such that your monthly allowance can be withdrawn at once from any bank in Nigeria or Abroad.

You all need to know that, in your Pinkoin wallets, there is a tool called DRCB for those who are activated for August payment.

 In DRCB, every Pinkoin sent there automatically becomes X 3, that's incase you don't know.

For November Babies, your DRCB will be active on November 12 and your expected allowances will drop from that day onward.

Now for instance, if you have 12k in your spendables balance and you transfer it to DRCB, automatically it becomes 36k.

The Beautiful part of it is that if you are to earn 120k on the 12th of November, automatically it becomes 360k in DRCB.

You will also receive 360k by December 12th,

January 12th, February 12th respectively, that mean by February 12, every bronze owner will have #1,440,000 in their wallets which they can use to buy goods and services from all our merchants and also withdraw from any bank in Nigeria because by then, we would have completed the Integration of the local and the foreign Switzerland bank.

In view of this information, Inksnation website will pass through an upgrade from November till February and once it is done, We are all free to cash out in any bank. This break is for everybody, be you an end users or an exchanger.

More update to back or counter this up is coming, but be positive towards a better future ahead. 

Think deeply before overreacting... We have been living and eating before this program and remember it is not one of those fail grant program that has not pay a dime since. So be patient for Inksnation to complete all processes, at the same time the Rome, the America, the China, the London you see today were not built in a year, Let's help develop this project and we all shall benefit from it much more.

Just that if it were to be America or Europe who owns this Inksnation, Crowdfunding would have gotten us this bank since, but here in Africa, we don't really like to help others go far, but I believe with this write up, many of us will get things straightened up, make our donations and get Inksnation off the hands of bad governments of the world who doesn't care if the poor lives or dies.

 *Our Universal Basic Child Income will help us achieve alot if we allow it to stand and if our United fronts are energised*



1. Do you know that by February, you will buy your land and start building your house.

2. Do you know by February, many who wish to travel out will have access to that through Inksnation!

3. Do you know you can actually start that dream business if yours by February!

4. Do you know that you can also buy that your first car by February!

5. Your Reserve will also start functioning any time after February.

Go out there and start making preparations for that future you have dreamt about.

Anyone you are registering from this moment on, pls inform them that they and all who registered from August 12 till date will have access to their funds by February.

Switzerland will be hosting and sending to us more benefit since they deem it fit to be part of Inksnation and don't be surprised, Inksnation Global Headquarters may shift to Switzerland.

It is of our best interest if we invite as many friends and family into Inksnation now, because soonest, no one will be able to register from Nigeria until Nigeria Government apply to register their citizens in Inksnation, that's the prize of nonchalant attitude on the part of Nigeria Government.

Expect more update soon.



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