g a living node on the system.

C- QFS will be backed by tangible assets such as Gold, Platinum, and oil; while InksNation is backed by human assets.

D- QFS is looking to re-launch the Gold Standard lost during French Revolution by backing currencies with Gold asset; while INKSNATION is not trying to resurrect any system, it is rather looking to resurrect and promote love, unity, oneness, peace and equitable distribution of wealth through it's PROOF OF LOVE (POL) and CMA (Collective Mass Agreement) system.

E- QFS asset which are Gold, Platinum, Silver, and oil cannot be trusted.

This is because these mineral resources if depended too much upon, might finish.

While InksNation asset which is humans proliferate everyday.

Humans can't finish like minerals resources in earth, they are rather multiplying.

InksNation system will take care of countries with large populations when they are converted into living nodes.

Large population actually equals large Collective Mass Agreement in InksNation and that in turn equals Abundant Pinkoin (InksNation native currency) that will pay every single member of the system.


In my opinion, InksNation is 100% BETTER.

And this is because, with the rate of population growth and the impending financial doom (loss of jobs), humans are supposed to be paid for being humans which is the primary aim of InksNation.

IBsmartify Nigeria which invented the world's first philanthropic Block chain (InksLedger) and the world's first charitable trust DAO (INKSNATION) and the world's first digital debit card (PinKard) could end poverty in any country in less than nine months.

InksNation monetary system will compensate humans for the looming loss of jobs by paying every living node UCBI (Universal Child Basic Income) according to the package purchased.

InksNation develops humans as assets so that the  artificial Intelligence which is predicted to take over people's jobs in less than a decade will become our labour force and servants; while we humans live like kings and queens which God has programmed us to be.

InksNation abundance monetary system gives every living node a legacy i.e people's offsprings and unborn generations will have a chance to inherit usernames and passwords instead of inheriting debts and poverty from their parents.

The InksNation abundance monetary system has massively secured people's future by also creating employment opportunities i.e everyone has a chance to become rich by being EXCHANGERS, MERCHANTS, STATE CORDINATORS, NATIONAL DIRECTORS etc.

People also get to earn some decent commissions by doing the charity of referring people to InksNation i.e spreading the good news and goodness of InksNation.

Since quantum computing is a million times faster than current computers, Block chain technologies might mature to be quantum resistant or incorporate quantum algorithms into their problems.

With the points listed above, I can proudly say that InksNation Abundance Monetary policy is the creme-de-la-creme of block chain technologies and far better than the quantum financial system (QFS).







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